Monday, November 12, 2007

Review Of

Man To Man, I have been into this business for long time and I wonder why this winning idea had not come to my mind earlier. This seems to be the best way for parking your domains! Not only is this website very upfront and uncomplicated, they are also very straightforward about their services and the cost of their services. This is a one-time fee that you will pay and you will not split any revenue with them, ever! That means you will not have to split your revenue later on, so you can make a lot more. specializes in parking, you will get a lot of traffic to your sites because they use keyword rich content that will attract all of the visitors you could ever hope for. also gives pointers on how to drive traffic to your site through advertising, which is awesome. This was definitely the overall favorite for domain parking, hands down!

I feel that they are more of a content hosting service. I don't call it a parking service because they don't serve ads. As the owner you will get complete choice on what ad networks to use and you won't have to pay WhyPark a cut from your adsense revenues or any income earned. Which is the nice part. I tried placing clickbank contextual ads there and it made me some quick bucks.

The best part is it is very easy to set up. You have to host your own images, but you can set up a page with adsense, affiliate links, analytics, images etc in about 20mins. With the articles they seem to get listed in google quickly and get traffic with some click throughs.

In comparison to other services like or, WhyPark is way superior. Most of you may wonder about paying a one time fee but if you plan to stay in this business and make a good revenue than its much better than sharing your revenue with any other sites.

I rate A+
Click Here For Their Website

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Review Of

This is a website that parks websites and links to others that buy and sell, as well. The front page is a bit misleading because they keep referring to the other websites, so you are almost drawn away from this website! You’ll experience great revenue with this website as they use content on each of your parked websites to attract both Internet users and search engines. You’ll be paid according to page views and clicks, but the website doesn’t offer much information about payment or shared revenue. The website almost seems to dodge the cost of their services, as after 20 minutes on the website we could not find a direct link to the cost of their service or revenue sharing programs. While the website is probably great, the overall opinion was that they just weren’t all that upfront about much of anything.

I think unless you like to do things backward, this is not the place to be. I was disappointed by their lack of transparency as well as there was very little I could control. I think offers the maximum value for my green bucks. Your opinion may differ though!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Review of

This is an attractive website that will allow you to both park and sell. also offers an affiliate program so you have the opportunity to make even more money through those that you are able to refer to You’ll find that the website offers you website tracking so you can see exactly what is taking place on your domain at any time. You’ll also benefit from monthly payouts, which is nice, because it keeps you motivated to keep advertising and marketing to drive traffic to your website. While all of this seems great, it can be sort of a bummer that you have to share any revenue that you make with Unfortunately, the website does not really specify how the revenue will be split, which raises some eyebrows, for sure. Overall, this seems like a great website to work with for parking and selling, as long as you don’t mind sharing your revenue.

However, given the recent stance of search engines like Google over parked domains, its better to move on to They offer fresh keyword rich content that is more appreciated by search engines and you are rewarded with more money and traffic.

Click Here For

Click Here For

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monetize your parking domains.

A simple technique to monetize your parking domains business.

Use to moneitize your keywords to your content, Get all your domain names verfied by google, Once you do that, add a google site map to all of your verified domain names, Then use google analytics to spot your traffic for you. Find good high quality affiliate products to promote. Trust me there are a lot of high paying high quality products out there that you can promote. Set up some fresh content (Use This will let Google and other search engines rate you as important. Once these steps are done. setup your affiliate links with related articles and content. You can use article directories if you follow their rules. People click on the banners more than small text links. So use affiliate banner above and below every article.

See your affiliate commission rolling.
Also I suggest that you try CPA instead of CPS.

Good luck!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Don't waste those domains, start money making now!

Do you have domains that you are not using?

There are several companies on the internet that will pay you to redirect your domain to a landing page, filled highly relevant PPC (pay per click) links. The links displayed on your landing page will be optimized based on what keywords are in your domain, and what links previous visitors have been interested in looking at. You can earn real money every time one of your visitors clicks a link on your landing page, in addition to guaranteed ad revenue for each and every unique visitor that you recieve. All this revenue building up month after month can form into a very nice income stream for your business.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Income From Parket Domains

Here's a great idea that gave me an additional 33 new income generating web sites. I, as well as many of my associates, have reserved many specific domain names for later use. Usually these domain names are parked at the domain name registrar or web host doing no harm or good ... except generating someone else income and not me! You should have this income, it's your domain right?

A parked page can made using a subdomain or one of your unused domains. Use either to make a nice income generating page.. I fixed mine up with a nice header that included the URL and a title that reads "this page parked courtesy of...", and then I added some affiliate Ads. Once my income generating page was completed, I simply aliased all of the unused domain names to the "income generating" page. Very nice... I now have 22 income generating web sites.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Another Article On Why to Park Domains

Here is another article on whypark domains. Go through it

New Hope For Earning Income With Parked Domain Names
By David Doggett

Domain parking has had a bit of a bad reputation, and rightfully so. Most parked domains are setup with a registrar and they are the ones who end up making most of the income from ad clicks on your parked pages, that is, if your parked page gets any clicks at all. In truth, the registrars are likely only interested in making money from your domain name registration.

I have been intrigued with the domain parking concept however was discouraged until recently. It is true, almost all parked pages are shunned by the major search engines because they lack any quality content and are simply filled with ads. Simple logic told me that if the search engines are not interested at all with parked pages filled with ads, and this means the chances of people finding my parked pages is slim to none.

Thankfully there is new hope for parking domains with rich content parking systems. These systems don't just set you up with a page full of ads and forget about you, they provide you with simple tools that let you create rich content websites full of relevant articles that search engines love. This is the most exciting development in domain parking history because it means anyone can create a quality web site containing your own advertisements that you earn all or most of the income from.

This revolution in domain parking opens the doors for anyone interested in creating powerful websites and capitalizing on their income potential. I have spent countless hours studying the many different options available, and personally I feel the clear winner is WhyPark.

While it is possible to invest just twenty minutes of your time setting up a domain with one of these rich content parking systems, the more time and effort you invest in promotion, the more traffic your domain will receive in turn increasing your earning potential.
David Doggett is CEO of Cybernetic Media Inc. a web development firm specializing in high impact flash marketing movies. David personally owns over 100 domain names and experiments with domain monetization when he is not creating marketing movies for his clients.

David is also a licensed recreational sport fishing guide in Nova Scotia Canada where he resides with his wife and son.

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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Earning Income With Parked Domain Names

It is true, almost all parked pages are shunned by the major search engines because they lack any quality content and are simply filled with ads. Simple logic told me that if the search engines are not interested at all with parked pages filled with ads, and this means the chances of people finding my parked pages is slim to none.

So you need to move on to something better like a content parking system. Most of these systems are way better than the options you get with registrar based parking revenue systems. These systems provide you with targeted content. This content is crawled by search engines and they take you parked domain more seriously as a legit domain. Result is quite simple you get more better rankings in search engines. This increases both traffic and revenue.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Affiliate banners on parked domains!

The most popular method of making money using Parked domains, is providing search queries.

As soon as the user lands up on your site, he is offered suggestions that are infact keywords based on your domain name. These search query results are charged per click on the advertisers and Google Adsense is one of the players involved.

Alternatively, I suggest that you use these parking pages (these can be customized with some hosts) to test banners from affiliate programs with the highest paying hosting companies. Try placing three banners at the top of your pages – with a brief description of the company’s product offerings taken straight from their web sites. This has proved to be a great success for a lot of people – and can increase your revenue stream substantially!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lazy Domainer Domain Parking Definition

If you've arrived here looking for a domain parking definition, i will try to be as short as possible but i will concentrate on how to make money with parking. Domain parking it's a service that some Parking companies (sedo, name drive and others) offer where you point your domain to them, tell what is your domain about (music, sports, etc), and they automatically build a site (with little or no content) with paid ads.

When someone clicks the ads, you make money. That's all. Sounds easy? It is! You don't have to design a site, prepare content, no hosting bills to pay, no nothing! This is a paradise for the lazy domainer. Now...that is easy money ain't it?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Domain Parking Basics

How do you do domain parking?

First of all, you need to know what type of domain to park. If you can think of an up and coming idea and capitalize it by buying domain names this is a great idea. If you know, for instance, that something new is in the works and becoming popular and the .com name isn't yet taken, you can park it an earn from it. You might get approached by someone later who will pay big money for that domain or you might find that people happen upon it while looking for something else. By filling the landing page with relevant advertisements or affiliate marketing ads and banners, you can make a regular stream of income.

If you are waiting until later on to reserve that great domain name you've been thinking about, don't tarry too long otherwise it could be gone and someone else might either build upon it and use it to their advantage or merely park it and wait to charge you big money for it.

It takes a bit of time to get things ready to do things this way. If you don't want to take the time, effort and money to register the domain, sign up for affiliate programs, build a page, maintain and manage a page and fill it with advertisements, you can choose to share the profits by working with a company to do the management for you.

There are several companies that will do domain parking for you and pay you a percentage of the fees. Some offer cheap domain name registrations and other incentives to get you to join up.

Many domain parking options are available and if you cannot come up with a catch phrase, you can often come up with a similar name to another company that may get hits. There are some cheap domain names registrars out there with some great deals to offer you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Domain Squatting is Big Business

According to major registrars, the parked domain business nets over $5 - 8 million each year.


Domain pages can be registered for small sums of money with a full refund if cancelled within 5 days. So, you can select a few names and see what happens.

If the “name” is an important one then it could sell for between USD 5000—USD 8 million dollars. If you are lucky you could buy a name that has great demand.

You can at an appropriate time sell the domain name on an auction site. You could either list the names on,, or or hire a broker to sell the domain for you. One such broker is To give you an idea, domains like sold for $92,800 while a1restaurants just sold for $730.

Now start thinking of domain names!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Why Park Domains!

Domain names are being snapped up all the time so if you have thought of a cool domain name for a future project then it might be wise to register it now. There is a chance that if you leave it too late someone else may register it. While your planning your site you can park the domain name.

Domain parking is a process where you register a domain and do not enter the domain name servers of your hosting company. Usually the domain registrar will park your domain by default on their server, this means that if you type your domain name into a web browser you will arrive at a default page provided by the registrar.

If you are going to hold onto the domain for a while or not develop a site straight away then you may want to consider a domain parking service that offers you revenue from your parked domain. Domain parking services such as Traffic parking and Sedo offer revenue sharing from your parked domain. However the issue is that with sites like Sedo, there is not much revenue sharing and you will be getting very low amounts from them.

What you need is a more robust way to making money from these parked domains - carried out in the next post!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

More articles on domain parking

Increasing the Value of Your Domain Names
By Craig Rowe

So many people have websites that simply sit out there in cyber space collecting dust when they could be generating a fair amount of money. The problem is that typical domain parking doesn’t help one get any traffic to their site to sell services, generate money from ad programs, or anything! Many of us settle for the terrible or even mediocre traffic that we get coming and going through our website, even when the seach engines aren’t helping us out any. Despite adding links and other things to your websites, you just cannot seem to drive traffic to your website. This is a common enough problem, no doubt. You can change all of this if you want to. If you are willing to think outside of the box and forego traditional domain parking you’ll find that your websites can be far more lucrative than they are now.

The reason that so many websites cannot seem to generate an interest or even steady traffic is because traditional domain parking does not provide you or your visitors with anything new or unique. There are literally thousands of identical parked pages on the Internet right now. Additionally, there is no content on your webpage for the search engines to follow or for visitors to read. The problem with the fact that your webpage doesn’t attract visitors or search engines is that those that do come only come once, and never return because the webpage doesn’t have anything to offer them.

If you are in this situation you need to change things up in order to find a better solution to your current problem. When you visit you’ll find that you can change your website so that it is totally unique and will attract both people and search engines who will return again and again. breathes life into old, dull, and boring webpages that have never attracted more than a few lost web surfers. WhyPark will provide your website with fresh, relevant content that is directed toward your target audience. Because you get to choose the keywords, you know that you’ll always have the best information as well as real content that is attractive to both the average web surfer as well as the very important search engines that will help bring you more traffic. Because you have great content, new and old visitors will return again and again because your content is ever changing and reliable.

Keyword rich content, keyword rich titles, and easy to follow index pages will make your website a favorite of search engines. This means that you will have more traffic, that you will rank higher with search engines, and you will simply be more visible, which is great for any webpage. You won’t have to worry about duplicate content or content that doesn’t make sense, this is the real deal, and it’s easy, affordable, and will pay off immediately as you see your websites rise through the ranks in a matter of days. Your website doesn’t have to continue to attract dust from non-use; it can become very popular very quickly with the help of is an enhanced domain parking service that provides domain name owners with a way to earn revenue and quickly build content from their unused domain names. Park your domains and earn more revenue at

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