Monday, November 12, 2007

Review Of

Man To Man, I have been into this business for long time and I wonder why this winning idea had not come to my mind earlier. This seems to be the best way for parking your domains! Not only is this website very upfront and uncomplicated, they are also very straightforward about their services and the cost of their services. This is a one-time fee that you will pay and you will not split any revenue with them, ever! That means you will not have to split your revenue later on, so you can make a lot more. specializes in parking, you will get a lot of traffic to your sites because they use keyword rich content that will attract all of the visitors you could ever hope for. also gives pointers on how to drive traffic to your site through advertising, which is awesome. This was definitely the overall favorite for domain parking, hands down!

I feel that they are more of a content hosting service. I don't call it a parking service because they don't serve ads. As the owner you will get complete choice on what ad networks to use and you won't have to pay WhyPark a cut from your adsense revenues or any income earned. Which is the nice part. I tried placing clickbank contextual ads there and it made me some quick bucks.

The best part is it is very easy to set up. You have to host your own images, but you can set up a page with adsense, affiliate links, analytics, images etc in about 20mins. With the articles they seem to get listed in google quickly and get traffic with some click throughs.

In comparison to other services like or, WhyPark is way superior. Most of you may wonder about paying a one time fee but if you plan to stay in this business and make a good revenue than its much better than sharing your revenue with any other sites.

I rate A+
Click Here For Their Website

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Review Of

This is a website that parks websites and links to others that buy and sell, as well. The front page is a bit misleading because they keep referring to the other websites, so you are almost drawn away from this website! You’ll experience great revenue with this website as they use content on each of your parked websites to attract both Internet users and search engines. You’ll be paid according to page views and clicks, but the website doesn’t offer much information about payment or shared revenue. The website almost seems to dodge the cost of their services, as after 20 minutes on the website we could not find a direct link to the cost of their service or revenue sharing programs. While the website is probably great, the overall opinion was that they just weren’t all that upfront about much of anything.

I think unless you like to do things backward, this is not the place to be. I was disappointed by their lack of transparency as well as there was very little I could control. I think offers the maximum value for my green bucks. Your opinion may differ though!